Javier Aizpurua, CSIC
Quantum effects in the realm of subnanometric plasmon-enhanced spectroscopy
Jean Aubard, UniParis Diderot
Concept and Development of multi-functional Hybrid systems: Photoswitchable and Thermotunable Plasmonic materials
Francesco Buatier de Mongeot, Uni-Genova
Plasmonics in Self-organised media
Chia-Fu Chou, Academia Sinica
Low-copy number molecular analysis with dielectrophoretic trapping via plasmonic electrode nanogaps
Volker Deckert, IPHT-Jena
Local reactivity observed and induced by plasmonic probes
Enzo Di Fabrizio, KAUST
Nanostructures for single molecule detection and imaging
Laura Fabris, Rutgers University
Engineering Gold Nanostars for Quantitative SERS
Marc Lamy de La Chapelle, University Paris XIII
Detection, identification and structural study of proteins by SERS
Janina Kneipp, Humboldt University
Combined NIR excited surface enhanced Raman and hyper-Raman scattering for bio-applications
Stefan Maier, Imperial College
Plasmonic, dielectric, and hyperbolic platforms for surface-enhanced spectroscopies
Michel Orrit, Leiden University
Optical and thermal effects around single laser-excited gold nanoparticles
Andreas Otto, UniDüsseldorf
The "chemical" contribution to Surface Enhanced Raman scattering, pro's and contra's
Annemarie Pucci, Heidelberg University
Increasing the vibrational signal enhancement with plasmonic resonances of linear structures
Bin Ren, Xiamen University
Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy from air to electrochemistry
Juan Jose Saenz, Universidad Autónoma Madrid
Resonant enhanced repulsive forces between particles in random light fields
Sebastian Schlücker, University Duisburg-Essen
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and imaging with tailor-made plasmonic nanoparticles
Giorgio Volpe, University College London
Bioinspired micro- and nano-particles: self-motility at the nanoscale